Running In Circles…
“Feel like you are getting nowhere fast?
Take time out to relax,
refocus & redirect your energy.“
There are days when I feel so busy, running around all day, exhausted at the end of the day, only to realize: I didn’t get very much accomplished. I have set my goals, they are written down. What is going on? Well..I have slowly allowed many things to creep in and take over my life. Goals have been pushed aside and been replaced by things that come up daily. Some of those things are important and others not so important. I need to be flexible, but not so much that I am not ever going to reach my goals. It is time to rethink my priorities and get back on track.
“Never be in a hurry, do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
~St Francis De Sales
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Running in Circles” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Attitude Adjustment…
“Change your attitude,
change your life.“
They have scientifically proven that smiling sends a message to your brain that you are happy! What a simple pick me up. Research also shows that smiling is contagious, so what do you have to lose? Smile, be happy, others around you will be happier. And yet another bonus…it helps reduce stress. Make it a point throughout your day to smile more.
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”~Nhat Hanh
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Attitude Adjustment” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Ride The Wave…
“Conserve your energy.
Go with the flow.”
A hard lesson to learn: There are some things that can’t be controlled no matter how much effort is put into it. There are some changes that you just need to accept, no matter how painful the change is. You need to recognize the feeling of sadness or anger, acknowledge it, but don’t get stuck in the negativity. Consciously replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts as soon as possible. That is a healthier way to use energy.
Solution: Immediately think of something that makes you smile in order to stop the negative thoughts. Perhaps the sound of children laughing, a song that brings you joy, birds in the trees chirping away.
Solution: Mel Robbins suggestion is simple and works every time. Count backwards…’5,4,3,2,1′.
Solution: Keep an ongoing list of the things you are grateful for. When you find yourself going down that negative thought path, take out that list, read it, soon you will find yourself going down that positive path again.
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them…that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~Lao Tzu
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Ride the Wave” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Get A Grip…
Don’t set yourself up for failure.
It’s about making better choices, not perfect ones.“
Figure out what foods you are eating that have the most calories. Try replacing them with something healthy you enjoy eating. Do this gradually, one food at a time. Habits are more likely to form if you take your time. Don’t try replacing bad foods with healthy foods you don’t like. Take time to find those healthy foods that taste good to you. Check out websites with healthy recipes. There are plenty of resources out there. Purchase a cookbook with healthy recipes or just check cookbooks out from the library. There are lots of resources out there. Chances are you will eat healthier if you start cooking your own meals. Of course the added bonus is…you’ll save money by eating at home. Cut back on the snacks that are not good for you. That means don’t even bring them into your house. If they are easy to get to, you’ll likely end up eating them. It’s just too tempting!
It’s important not to be hard on yourself. I know it isn’t easy if Oprah continues to struggle with her weight. Just stick to it. Maybe find a friend who wants to make some changes. You can encourage each other and share ideas of what to do to to stay on track.
“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Get a Grip” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Feed Your Mind…
I use to read so much when I was growing up. I remember reading Nancy Drew books under the covers with a flashlight when it was lights out for the night. My Mom use to take us to the library so we could read all of the books we wanted. When I first got married we would read books every night. My husband read the book first and then I would read it and then we could discuss it. That was great! We didn’t own a TV, hard to believe that one can survive without a TV, but guess what? You can.
When we had kids we read to them constantly. It was so much fun. When they were old enough I took them to the library. They had an amazing storyteller there. We would listen to her first and then they got to check out books. They would check out about ten books each. When we got to the car they would immediately open the books and start reading. Reading to them and with them would be a big part of our family for many years.
The last few years I have gotten away from reading. I have immersed myself in art. I didn’t want to get into art while raising the kids because I knew it would take too much time away from raising the kids. I knew time with them would go fast and it did.
Now I am looking for balance so I find myself wanting to read again. I wanted to read something light and fun, so I have discovered Nora Ephron’s books. If you are thinking of taking up reading this is a great place to begin. Another plus, you eat less when you read than when you watch TV. Give it a try.
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” ~Joseph Addison
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
BUY “Feed Your Mind” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.